Friday, February 15, 2008

Light up the Darkness

I love all of the headings of each individual blog. I love that in a sense it desribes each of you. I just wanted to explain why I chose "Light up the darkness" to be mine. In the movie "I Am Legend" Will Smith reffers to Bob Marley and how he wanted to light up the darkness in the world. Meaning to light up the darkness in people. For some reason that has hit and stuck with me. I think that is what it means when people say let your light so shine. We all know that there is alot of darkness in the world today. That there is alot of hate and evil corrupting the world. I honestly think it is my responsibility to light up peoples darkness they have created. Let my spirit shine into their hearts. Let my love of life be an inspiration to those who have come down with the disease of sin and darkness. There is nothing like seeing the light of christ in someone. Like in the movie Stardust when the star is happy in life and in the moment the star starts to glow. That is how it is with people that have the spirit so strong in their lives they glow. I want to glow. I want to see everyone glowing. My greatest joy is that of anothers smile. That of someone who has overcome and seen the vision of overcoming there own darkness. My joy comes from others joy in life. From seeing how happy one can be. From that of a close family who loves and supports eachother.
"Singing don't worry, about a thing... Cause every little thing is going to be all right". How true is this amazing Bob Marley song. Life brings us little and big trials and we have to understand that we have to push through the dark times to find that light that shines so bright. Every little thing is going to be alright, I promise you. Work through the down times in your life. Understand the big picture, the picture of eternity. Understand that you are going through the dark to understand the power of the light. As my amazing kid brother Nate is witnessing very strongly that every little thing is going to be alright. Nate bro I love you man. Anyways, I just want you all to know that I want you to light up the darkness in your lives. Try to light up the darkness in those that you are surrounded by, by sharing your love. By sharing the light that you hold. Our mission on earth is to build up His kingdom. What are we doing if we keep our knowledge of the light that is the gospel to ourselves. Share the word of the resurection. Share the word of a ladder day prophet. Share the word of joy and peace in lighting up the darkness. By sharing these things your light will become fuller and brighter and you will glow like a star. I love life and I want to follow what I have written. Light up the darkness and you will be happy!


  1. So SO SO Excited that you have made this and hope that you will frequently post. I can vouch for atleast Jamie, Spence and I and tell you we will read all you write.

    I love the blog title. Remind me of one of my fav scriptures in D&C 50:23-24

    "That which is of God is Light"

    Love the pictures...I am just so exited that you are in this world now since it is probably the easiest way to really keep in touch with people and feel a part of their life (through pics and journaling)

    COnsider me your most frequent visitor.
    You may want to go and add a counter to your blog so you can see details of your visitors, really cool.

    Love you, Love that amazing woman as well.

  2. Ditto to what sara said....I understand blogging takes time.

    I Love your title! I love that movie---It is one we will have to own--Will smith is truly my favorite actor he is so versatile.!!!

    you should to statcounter...then it will prove that we visit alot. And you can see exactly where from. That is how i KNOW you never look at my blog!

    This blog is so you--it makes me happy. I need to read the rest of your blog...

  3. I was looking for a place to comment about the pics and words on Heather...couldnt find it, so i will comment here.

    It made me cry---I love it. HEather really is a gem. I love her so much and can't wait to see you guys soon. Love the pic of the plaque as well...keep them comin

  4. Welcome to blogging! I enjoyed "hearing" your written thoughts. It's a treat that we don't get much of. Excited for your future updates and opinions. Love you guys. Keep that light shining!

  5. hey brother, im just reading in second nephi and a scripture brought you and your blog to mind..
    2 Nephi 3:5
    "Wherefore, Joseph truly saw our day. And he obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of his loins the Lord God would raise up a righteous branch unto the house of Israel; not the Messiah, but a branch which was to be broken off, nevertheless, to be remembered in the covenants of the Lord THAT THE MESSIAH SHOULD BE MADE MANIFEST UNTO THEM IN THE LATTER DAYS, IN THE SPIRIT OF POWER, UNTO THE BRINGING OF THEM OUT OF DARKNESS UNTO THE LIGHT -- YEA, OUT OF HIDDEN DARKNESS AND OUT OF CAPTIVITY UNTO FREEDOM."
    I'll go ahead and say it for you.. wow! I am literally blogging this in the middle of my reading and finding of this so I'm kind of in a state of awe right now. These words continue to amaze me. Another one of the things that always happens is that when I read scripture like this I usually go back over it and enjoy rereading it. And one word that I probably shouldn't, but do change out of context somewhat, is yea. ha. I guess its cause I get pumped so the second or third time over the scripture I read it like its Yeah! Like as he is saying these words with power, he smiles and is like.. Yeah man, I really am saying this and we both are realizing its truth! anywhos.. back to reading. One love
